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1. There, they do not believe in all of Barak‘s new demagoguery about swinish capitalism.
2. Here, one hears only threats about a return to communism as opposed to slogans about swinish capitalism.
3. Advertisement Three circumstances could hasten Labor‘s departure÷ The election of a new party head in place of Vice Premier Shimon Peres; a 2006 budget that reflects what Peres called Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s "swinish capitalism"; or a tougher attitude on the part of Sharon toward the Palestinians with a view to improving his election chances in the Likud.
4. It had all the appearances of the final days of the Raj. ŹThe last bastion of the Perfidious Albionђs Imperialism in Irelandђ, or the British Embassy, as we now call it, was the site of outrage among what Edmund Burke called Źthe "swinish multitudeђ" yesterday.
5. "And I am glad to think that we are not only fighting for England but are also fighting to stop a swinish nation making slaves of us all, and are protecting the weak against the strong." John Crane, of Liverpool–based auctioneers Cato Crane, said: "It was a great honour to have the opportunity to sell a letter from a man who means so much to the people of Liverpool.